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The Newly Appointed HOD

Professor Emmanuel Gikunoo Newly Appointed Head of Department of Materials Engineering KNUST, Bringing Visionary Leadership and Strategic Growth Plans

Seminar on Realistic Sustainable Construction

Title: Realistic Sustainable Construction. Potential of LC3, Limestone Calcined Clay Cement.

Kpare Jude; Best graduate in Materials Engineering with CWA of 80+ 2021

" I promised myself that I'll make my family proud, and I've worked hard to achieve that goal" 

Dumb it Down Post News

On the 18th of September, 2021, brilliant students from the Materials Engineering Department participated in a competition to explain science co

Dumb It Down

Ghscientific in collaboration with MATESA & Mat. iHub presents D.I.D.

Documentary of the Department

The Department of Materials Engineering, established in the year 2002, was birthed from the former Institute of Mining and Minerals Engineering, KNUST.  With time, we have grown together with West 

Zoom meeting on: Safety seminar MATESA

Zoom meeting

Topic: Safety seminar

Time: Feb 12, 2021 18:30

Zoom meeting on: Role of Materials and Metallurgical Engineers, seminar, MATESA

Topic: The Role of Materials and Metallurgical Engineers in the Oil and Gas Industry.

Ing. Prof. Anthony Andrews (HoD)